Turn Your Leftover Halloween Candy Into A Delicious Fudge

In the months following Halloween, we're often left with little choice but to find creative uses for leftover candy. Kitchen sink cookies are among the more obvious solutions for clearing out the candy stash before the end of the year, but what about a tasty homemade fudge to fulfill your sweet tooth this fall?


Halloween candy fudge calls for three ingredients: a bag of chocolate chips for melting, a can of chocolate frosting, and some chocolate candies of your choice. For instance, you might use Twix, Milky Way, Snickers, Kit Kat, or even regular ol' Hershey bars.

Fold chopped-up pieces of your selected candy bars into the melted chocolate chips and frosting, then refrigerate. Once the fudge has set, you can slice it into bite-size squares and serve. If you use non-Halloween-specific candies (meaning they aren't pumpkin orange or zombie green), this fudge can even make a sweet addition to your next holiday party.

Alternative ways to make Halloween candy fudge

Though you may not expect it of a three-ingredient fudge recipe, there's always room for experimenting with alternative ingredients. Sure, the original Halloween candy fudge recipe calls for milk chocolate chips, canned chocolate frosting, and candy bars, but you can customize the recipe to your personal preferences.


For example, you might prefer to use homemade chocolate buttercream icing over canned chocolate frosting, or white chocolate chips over milk chocolate chips. For added flavor notes, you could even use mint chocolate chips or a strawberry frosting. Of course, you'll want to choose chocolate chips and frostings that complement each other (as well as your chosen candy bars), but otherwise, the sky's the limit.

Say you wanted to make a Thanksgiving-themed fudge with your leftover Halloween candy. You could combine the standard chocolate frosting with sea salt caramel chocolate chips, and sprinkle in chunks of Twix or Milky Way for even more caramel. You could even add Snickers for a hint of peanut. Now that's a Thanksgiving dessert we'd all be grateful for.


